Blue Sapphire

$413 This is a combination of aluminum and oxygen. An original gemstone is a light blue in color. This is a hard gem that is known to bring the fastest effect to the person wearing it.

5 Ratti (4.55 Carat)


Gemstone Description

Weight: 5 Ratti
Benefits: Used For Astrological & Healing Benefits.
Wear As Pendant, Ring Or Bracelet.
Quantity: 1
Certification: Free Certified Laboratory Report
Dispatch Time: 7 working Days

Blue sapphire is a combination of aluminum and oxygen. An original gemstone is a light blue in color.  This is a hard gem that is known to bring the fastest effect to the person wearing it. The effect can either be extremely positive or extremely harmful. Therefore, you need to make sure that you have your horoscope checked thoroughly before you wear this stone. According to the solar system, this stone is associated with the planet Saturn who is known to be the teacher of discipline. 

What does Blue Sapphire Signify? 

This stone is beneficial to the Aquarius and Capricorn Zodiac sign. Blue sapphire governs Saturn which is known to control patience, restrictions, discipline and public grace.

When Saturn is negatively placed, it can lead to limitations, humiliation and also lead to separation. It tends to make a person lethargic, wicked, indifferent and deceitful. When it is in a strong house, Saturn tends to make the person successful, giving him the ability to work hard. 

Blue sapphire is recommended for individuals who have Saturn in a weak position. Wearing this stone helps improve relations with the labor class and with workers and helps you get their full cooperation. 

How does Blue Sapphire affect the person?

The vibrating power of Saturn is captured when blue sapphire is worn as a ring. It is recommended to wear this stone when Saturn is in a weak position or when it is placed with Moon, Sun, Mars and Rahu. 

The person who wears the stone is blessed with fame, fortune, prosperity, longevity and happiness. It can negate the effect of any energy that is leading to problems or obstacles. You also feel more confident and energetic. The seven-year transit of Saturn brings a lot of bad luck. This can be reduced with Blue sapphire. Saturn can also bring chronic diseases when it transits. 

It is recommended that people who are in the field of sales, transport, land and mine purchases, surgery, machine and oil should wear Blue Sapphire. 

With negative, weak or malefic Saturn, you have issues like knee pains and bone issues, rheumatism, lack of energy, paralysis, insanity etc. Wearing a blue sapphire can help cure these issues or can help protect you from them. 

Given the power and influence that Saturn can have on your life, you need to make sure that you never wear a Blue Sapphire without consulting an astrologer

How to wear the Blue Sapphire

You can wear a Blue sapphire embedded in gold or silver. It should be worn on a Saturday night after dipping it in raw milk or in Gangajal after it has been energized by mantras that have been prescribed. 

This gem is cold by nature. 

You can get genuine blue sapphire stones at Astroyukti. It will be given after a thorough analysis of your horoscope so that it is suitable for the planetary positions and the current energies that are governing your life. That way the gem will enhance positive vibes for you.

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