Relationships :

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Relationships (USD 15 / Rs.1100)

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Whether you are looking for love, embarking on a new journey with someone special, or are treading through troubled times in your relationships, astrology and your planetary positions can have a big influence on them.

Astro Yukti offers several useful methods that will help study the relationships that you are in and shed light on issues like the compatibility of two individuals. Each person has an individual birth chart with 10 planets and other luminaries placed in different positions. This determines every quality that he or she possesses and the energy that the person carries from the time that they are born.

When you are in a relationship, you need to ensure that your energy is in harmony with the individual energy of your partner. The interplay of these energies can be complex and is unique to each couple.

The services offered include kundali matching, love, and marriage prospects along with relationship issues and troubles that you may face. The study of your birth chart helps match the qualities that you and your partner possess to understand the potential nature of the relationship. This determines your success as individuals and as a couple, your physical and emotional compatibility, and the prosperity that you will bring into one another’s life among others.

In case there are any obstacles in the path of your relationships, astrological solutions such as yantra, mantra, and Vaastu are suggested. Since the consultations at Astro Yukti include each’s birth date, the solutions are more effective and likely to deliver positive results.

All you have to do is send in details such as birth time and date. Following that, a detailed birth chart will be prepared to find the apt solutions and advice that you need for a harmonious relationship with your partner.

Common Question and get astrological Remedies for relationships issues

  • My partner is not talking to me anymore. Do planets indicate problems in the relationship for me?
  • Should I wait for my sweetheart or simply move on? Do planets indicate new opportunities?
  • I have a crush on someone. Should I go ahead and propose or wait for the time being?
  • When will I find love?
  • Will I be able to fall into a relationship with a person from my friend's circle?