Dasha and its significance

Dasa Interpretation:
Dasa and its significance 

The significant transformation in the dynamics of the birth chart of an individual is hugely guided by thechange in Dasa. Dasa considers being an excellent resource to map the events of life concerning the specific time. In Vedic Astrology, the dasa is the period ruled by a particular planet. Depending upon the degrees with which moon has traveled in the nakshatra at the time of birth; the first dasa gets reduced proportionately.
Factors affecting the results of Dasa

However, the events affected by the dasa coincide by the transit of planets. During the dasa of a planet, the natural significance gains or suffer based on whether the placement of the planet is auspicious or inauspicious, the state of relationships between planets to their corresponding planets, and the strength of the planets involved in a combination. Some times in spite of dasa of favorable results, if the transit is very adverse then the favorable results may not take place and vice versa. E.g. Say, Venus Mahadasa with Jupiter antardasa can bring a reduction in business, or tension and disagreement in marital career.
Benefits of Report

This Dasa Interpretation Report will give you the insights of major events and transformational period of
your life. 
· The running dasa, its effect on your life and ending time.
· Upcoming dasas, their period (start and ending time) and their effect
· Favorable and unfavorable time during particular dasa
· Cautions, suggestions and astrological remedies for adverse period