How to wear gemstone

Aries : Aries is the 1st Zodiac Sign and ruled by Mars. Aries is fiery sign and Coral is the Lucky Stone of Aries sign. It has passion, energy and willpower too. You can takeat least 5 Carat and wear it on Tuesday before Sunrise. Visit Hanuman temple too in morning. You can abhishek stone with Milk and water, then worship with Red Flowers and wear it.

Taurus : Taurus is the 2nd Zodiac sign and ruled by Venus. Taurus is earthy sign and Diamond is the Lucky Stone of Taurus sign. It has Love, Feelings and Romance too. You can take minimum 4 Carat and wear it on Friday before 8 AM. You can purify stone with Milk and honey, then chant Venus mantra 108 times and wear it

Gemini : Gemini is the 3rd Zodiac sign and ruled by Mercury. Gemini is airy sign and Emerald is the Lucky Stone of Gemini sign. It has thoughts, smartness and speech too. You can takeminimum 4 Carat and wear it on Wednesday before sunrise. You must abhishek stone with Milk and then worship with Greenleafs and flowers. You can wear it anytime in day before Sunset.

Cancer : Cancer is the 4th Zodiac sign and ruled by Moon. Cancer is water sign and Pearl is the Lucky Stone of Cancer sign. It has emotions, nurturing and peace too. You can take 4 to 5 Carat as per needs and wear it on Monday before sunrise. Stone must be purify with Milk and Water. Worship stone with White flowers and chant Om NamahShivay 108 times, then wear it.

Leo : Leo is the 5th Zodiac sign and ruled by Sun. Sun is fiery sign and Ruby is the Lucky Stone of Leo sign. It has confidence, focus and brightness too. You can take minimum 3 Carat and wear it on Sunday before 10 AM. You must purify Stone with Honey and Milk. Worship stone with Red Flowers and Kunku with Surya mantra 108 times, then wear it.

Virgo : Virgo is the 6th Zodiac sign and ruled by Mercury. Virgo is the earth sign and Emerald is the Lucky Stone of Virgo sign. It has creativity, calm and communication too. You can take 4 to 5 Carat as per needs and wear it on Wednesday before sunrise. Chant Budha mantra 108 times and abhishek with Milk and Honey, then wear it.

Libra : Libra is the 7th Zodiac sign and ruled by Venus. Libra is the Airy sign and Diamond is the Lucky Stone for Libra sign. It has Love, Relationship and Feminine energy too. You can take 4 Carat and wear it on Friday before sunrise. With honey and water abhishek Stone and chant Venus mantra 108 times. Offer White Flowers and then wear it.

Scorpio : Scorpio is the 8th Zodiac sign and ruled by Mars. Scorpio is the Water sign and Coral is the Lucky Stone for Scorpio sign. It has luck, energy and determination too. You can take 4 to 5 Carat and wear it on Tuesday before Sunrise. Take the blessings of Lord Ganesha and Hanuman in temple and then wear it.

Sagittarius : Sagittarius is the 9th Zodiac sign and ruled by Jupiter. Sagittarius is the Fiery sign and Yellow Sapphire is the Lucky Stone for Sagittarius sign. It has wisdom, knowledge and focus too. You can take 5 Carat in Gold metal before 10 AM on Thursday. Take blessings of Lord Dattatray and Lord Ganesha too and do abhishek too.

Capricorn : Capricorn is the 10th Zodiac sign and ruled by Saturn. Capricorn is the earth sign and Blue Sapphire is the Lucky Stone for Capricorn sign. It has stability, dedication and commitment too. You can take 5 Carat and wear it on Saturday before Sunrise. Do abhishek with Milk and water, then chant Shani Dev mantra for 108 times and worship with Black Kunku, then wear it.

Aquarius : Aquarius is the 11th Zodiac sign and ruled by Saturn. Aquarius is the Airy sign and Blue Sapphire is the Lucky Stone for Aquarius sign. It has enthusiastic, energy and peace too. You can take 4 Carat and wear it on Saturday before Sunrise. Chant Rahu and Shani mantra 36 times, then do water and milk abhishek too. Offer Black Sesame and then wear it.

Pisces : Pisces is the 12th Zodiac sign and ruled by Jupiter. Pisces is the water sign and Yellow Sapphire is the Lucky Stone for Pisces sign. It has intuitive power, dreams and fantasy too. You can take 4 Carat and wear it on Thursday before 10AM. Chant Vishnu Sahasranama and offer Yellow flowers too. With water, milk and honey do abhishek, then wear it.

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