Prasna Marg for Unknown Birth Time/Details

Almost all the services under Vedic astrology are based on birth charts, planetary positions at the time of birth, and geographical location on the basis of which astrologers create detailed charts and reports for every individual. However, there are cases where people are not aware of their birth time and place and for such conditions, Astro Yukti offers this service for Unknown Birth Time/ Details, also known as the Prasna Marg.

Prasna marg means the way of the question, it is based on an important branch of astrology called Horary Astrology, which uses the questions as the way to back-calculate the time and place of birth basis the questions.

The Prasna Marg service works on offering remedies and suggestions for your issues on the basis of when those questions came to your mind and the current planetary positions at that time, for example, if you want to know if you should start your business now. Now based on your time and sincerity in asking this question as and when it came to your mind, the seasoned astrologers at Astro Yukti will then do a backward calculation and find out your time of birth and place, the process is absolutely accurate, with the only exception being that you are dishonest when it comes to recording the right time of question.

Some principles for Prasna Marg are as follows:

  • A seeker should put one question at a time
  • An astrologer needs to be communicated the time you thought of the question, and what led to that question
  • Not just time, but place and date when you thought of question also needs to be recorded
  • Since, it's divine science, the seeker has to be earnest with the question.

So, if your birth date and time is not recorded, one needs not worry as Astro Yukti will help you find those using the Prasna Marg.

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