Jupiter Mantra

This mantra eliminates all feelings of trepidation, assists with achieving a reasonable point of view, fixation in investigations, achievement in a serious assessment, and to accomplish great wellbeing and prosperity.

Benefits of Jupiter Mantra:

  • Jupiter Mantra is best for calling and business.
  • It refutes the malefic impacts of planet Jupiter and the complexity related to it.
  • It is exceptionally useful in focus on investigations and clearing serious assessments.
  • This Mantra is instrumental for acceptable mental and actual wellbeing.
  • It offers forces, rank, and authority.


USD 116 / INR 7200

About Jupiter Mantra

This is the mantra of the luckiest planet and lord Guru. This mantra turns luck in your favor and Jupiter blesses you with full of happiness and wealth. It gives tremendous power and authority to excel at your work. This mantra is also very helpful to gain name and fame. Concentration, willpower and knowledge tremendously increase. Good education and marriage activity also get done properly by performing this puja.

USD 116 / INR 7200