Ketu Mantra

This Mantra can totally kill the malefic impacts brought by Ketu.It assists one with accomplishing a more elevated level of insight and profound edification.

Benefits of Ketu Mantra:

  • This Mantra kills the malefic impacts brought by Ketu.
  • Prescribed to eliminate the malefic impacts of planets and stink eye.
  • It assists one with accomplishing a more significant level of astuteness and otherworldly illumination.
  • Expands the instinct force.
  • It presents recuperating workmanship.


USD 116 / INR 7200

About Ketu Mantra

This mantra removes malefic effects of Ketu and blesses with full of positive energy and effects. If the weak Ketu is creating problem in life then also this mantra gives strength to it. This mantra makes native extremely religious and spiritual. This mantra also increases the intuitive power of the native. Native learning capacity increases and blesses with wisdom. This mantra helps in research studies and native gets desired results and success. This mantra also gives foreign travel and settlement.

USD 116 / INR 7200